Strawberry Full Moon

Free old beliefs, patterns, and circumstances that do not lift you up!

June 3, 2023

The "Strawberry Full Moon," June 3rd, is a sweet opportunity for release, endings, realizations, and heightened celestial energy. This June Full Moon can reveal new discoveries about the world around us, and can serve to bring us into touch with our own personal truths. Its energy urges us to explore new ideas and discover the deepest truths of the universe and ourselves.

The energy of the Strawberry Full Moon offers us the support and opportunity to say goodbye to long-held beliefs and circumstances that no longer serve us.

This full moon energy can also feel very light-hearted and joyful as we choose to recognize that we can free ourselves of beliefs, patterns, and circumstances that do not lift us up. So, this weekend, get outside... dance, sing, and revel in the things and the people in your life that bring your heart alive! ~lap


Freedom, Expression & Inner-Peace


Finding The Song of Your Soul