Twenty years ago, I was on a career trajectory that was considered as having it all.
W H Y W A S I U N H A P P Y ?
I traveled the US staying in the best 5-Star hotels, complete with upscale spa retreats, meals and all expenses paid by the company I worked for. I’ve taken my family, on several occasions, for week-long stays in company-owned luxury condos located in the best resorts. At the time the company was extraordinarily well-respected and I was privy to some of the most exclusive experiences, opportunities and perks.
I was raising two beautiful, healthy children,
married to my best friend and yet, I had questions…
Why was I unhappy? Why did I think I needed or wanted something more? And, why couldn’t I even begin to lay my finger on what that something more was? I felt guilty and frustrated for feeling this way. Yet, there was something deep within me telling, urging me, to go find whatever it was that was calling me.
My journey unexpectedly led me to a deeply spiritual path and an even more unexpected recognition of my true inner strengths, gifts, passions and purpose.
I began taking workshops, trainings, and earning certifications in developing soul-led businesses, and during that time, I was also doing the inner work to discover more about myself; who am I and why am I here?
Since 2003, I have been working with brilliant and gifted individuals all over the world, to help them move more quickly and easily through the deep and winding road of Self-Discovery, Self-Love, and Self-Mastery. I’ve learnt through the years, that each one of us came into this world with a particular set of skills, abilities, strengths and purpose. When we are in recognition of these natural attributes (rather than working against them, which research shows that 80% of people are), we find an inner peace, self-love and appreciation for who we are. We find our creative inspiration and life flows beautifully.
Clients always say
“I don’t know what it is, but there is something about you that I think you can help me.”
You created a life you’re happy with and for the most part you wouldn’t change a thing; however…
You’re feeling an underlying, yet consistent anxiousness. A sense of searching for something, a need to move forward, frustration from not knowing what it is or how to find it. Perhaps lost as you wish to move in a new direction but don’t know where to start or which direction to move into.
You are at a point where there is something more calling you, pulling at you but you need clarity and direction to take the next steps. With a sense that there’s something more – just beyond your reach, you want to move forward. You know it’s there, but you don’t know what you need to do to reach it.
You are clear that you’re ready for some type of change in your life but not certain what the right direction is. You wonder - Is there a right path, a greater purpose for you? You’re happy with your life, yet yearn to feel that extraordinary aliveness in loving who you are and what you do.
Attain absolute clarity and remove limiting blocks.
Step into your very best self with courage, confidence and a beautiful plan.
Through my own journey of self-discovery and empowerment and my own extraordinary results I’ve become trained and certified in powerful and unique assessments, tools and procedures.
I am able to see for others what they have not yet seen for themselves. My unique, complete framework effectively guides you to freedom and self-empowerment.
I don’t teach anything I haven’t learned or benefited from myself. I am exponentially grounded and leveled in my approach. My perception of who I am, and ability to self-direct my life have shown me that through self-knowledge we truly do create our own success and happiness.
I’ve identified and brought forth traits, gifts, strengths and passions that were completely unknown to me before I began my own journey. I have come to understand that every one of us possess truly unique qualities, skills and a divine blueprint to direct our lives and affect the world in our own unique way.
It is my mission and passion to guide others in this powerful inward journey for magnificent outward results.
Laurie Polinski is a leader in spiritual growth and development.
Renowned for her compassionate, intuitive and transformative mentorship, C-clients around the world regard her as their secret weapon.
Her many certifications include (but not limited to):
Quantum Leap Specialist; ThetaHealing Advanced DNA Practitioner; Soul Contract Reader/Coach; Healing With Archetypes; Achieve Your Dreams Coach; Money, Marketing & Soul Coach; CORE Multidimensional Awareness Profile Practitioner; Subconscious & Emotional Blocks Clearing Expert.
I pulled many long-buried dreams, desires and energies to the surface
‘Laurie has a special gift. She used appropriate tools to help me see who I really am. Her tools gave me data and her gifts guided me and held me accountable to recognize and embrace my authentic self.
She kept me moving forward and through the process I always felt validated and valuable. As a result my confidence has returned and I no longer hold back. I show up much more powerfully in my business and I am personally truly happy. I have a much clearer understanding of my best self and I no longer feel stuck. I feel I am a better person to be around and am able to empower others.
If you want to see changes in your life, you don't need to know what or how - Laurie will help you do that. She gives you the courage to look at your true self and let go of limitations so you can become your best self. Laurie provides a safe haven for achieving your dreams and goals. Her compassion and insight will help you find the strength and confidence to accept your true self and have a ball living the life you were meant to live.’
Linda J., Luxury Consultant, Madison, WI
I am enthusiastically pursuing an entirely new second business venture
“Coaching is a wonderful profession, but it takes more than book work and formal certifications to truly be an effective coach or mentor. It requires the rare inner gift of seeing into a person’s soul and working with that someone from the inside out. Laurie Polinski has that gift.
Her innate ability to delve deeply into a person’s psyche and quickly identify one’s inner challenges so easily is unique. She skillfully helped me realized that it’s okay to “color outside the lines” at any age. And, as a result of her enlightening and encouraging me, I am enthusiastically pursuing an entirely new second business venture. For me, I can truly call this an amazing breakthrough. Thanks, Laurie.”
Jan L., Owner, JL Communications, Glen Ellyn, IL
Laurie’s credentials
• Certified Quantum Leap Specialist
• Certified CORE Multidimensional Awareness Profile Practitioner
• Certified Rapidly Advanced Mind Patterning Practitioner (technique used to eliminate subconscious blocks and negative programming.)
• Certified Money, Marketing & Soul Coach (Includes personal awareness assessments, and Money Mindset and Abundance tools and procedures.)
• Certified ThetaHealing Advanced DNA Practitioner
• Certified Achieve Your Dreams Coach
• Soul Contract Reader and Coach
In addition to 20+ years of studying human potential, I possess a natural understanding of the subconscious mind in all its pieces. I am good at distilling complex things into their simplest nature so that we can create the optimal framework to align all of the dearest pieces of your life with your higher potential.