Operating with old data

One can easily get unstuck in a matter of moments. It really doesn’t have to be difficult at all. I’ve helped people shift in a single conversation. The important piece in getting unstuck is to change the perspective of ourselves and what’s possible.

What keeps us stuck is:

  • Our limited idea of who we are and then we keep repeating and creating that

  • Everything that we are experiencing in our life as of this moment is a result of everything that we knew about ourselves in the past.

  • Like Einstein said “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

In other words everything that you are experiencing in your life as of this moment is a result of everything that you knew about yourself from the past. So if you learn nothing else about yourself, if you don’t change your perspective of who you are or what’s possible for you, you can’t move forward because you’re operating with this old data… the old programming. You cannot move out of that until you get new data or new information that serves you at another level.

The idea is to learn about yourself, learn who you really are, learn what your greatest most authentic strengths are, get in touch with your true heart’s desire and start to follow the breadcrumbs forward from there.

It’s very very easy to get unstuck actually but it takes awareness.

Depending on where you are, how ready you are to shift and how strongly you’re choosing to hold onto old patterns is key to how easy or hard it is to get unstuck. If you are ready to follow the breadcrumbs and open to a new awareness, choose to uncover any limiting perceptions and expand what’s really possible.

Laurie Polinski releasing old patterns and beliefs
Nora Zinerman Studio

Brands and websites fully reflecting the Essence of your business.


Following your own compass