You cannot fly and hold on at the same time.
Elegance, Transformation, Mystery
As we move into the new year of 2025, we are also moving out of thousands of years of denser energies that have kept our minds and imaginations limited in our awareness and perception of who we are and what is really possible for us. This is the result of several various cycles coming to their end and into the beginning of new cycles:
* The 26,000 year cycle of the Procession of the Equinox (Planetary Movement);
*The cosmic Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarious (Astrology);
* The Kali Yuga into the Satya Yuga (Mayan),
* The Eighth and Nineth Waves of Creation (Carl Johann Calleman, Ph.D.)
* From the Cross of Planning into the Incarnation Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix (Human Design)
* From an “8” Year (2024) into a “9” Year (2025). (9 represents Completion in Numerology. )
to name just a few of the bigger energetic influences on our realities.
Collectively, whether we are consciously aware of it or not, we are closing the book on an old era and gradually shifting into a new one (which has been happenning since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987). As we move deeper and deeper into these new energenic influences, many of us will find that we begin to shift our focus from desiring/chasing material things, to valuing deeper aspects of life, unity, and heart-centeredness.
For so long, we've desired more peace, unity, love, acceptance, and this is what these new higher frequency energies promise to bring. However, in order to birth something new, the old must fall away so that new can be erected. For the last several years, we've been experiencing the chaotic upheaval of the shifting of these energies.
I think our 2025 will continue to bring more of that upheaval, chaos and opportunities
- ultimately making way for these new cycles to firmly plant themselves into our reality. In these times, it will be necessary to keep yourself firmly grounded in what you value most; possibly relationships, health, spiritual-centeredness, getting closer to nature, and to allow what no longer serves us to fall away. This will require that we have faith in the unknown. The falling away may look/feel like the sky is falling which could cause us to want to hold on tighter and tighter to those old/out-moded structures. And at the same time, no one knows exactly what these new beginnings will look like. Here's the THING...... WE ARE CREATING WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE.
This year will also be filled with Elegance, Transformation and Mystery!
Together, we can hold the vision and intention for the world we've been longing for. They say, "Where your focus goes, Energy Flows."
Even when it looks crazy or even scary, when we can remember to stay out of fear and focus on WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE, we will create the world we've prayed for for so long.
We're turning a significant corner where our thoughts and actions can lead to meaningful experiences. You may be feeling called to a higher version of who you are BECOMING, and as you step into that, you show up as a guiding force, shining Light on the path to a brighter more positive future for yourself and others.
From my heart to yours, I wish you abundantly blessed new beginnings.~LAP