It’s A Sign!

Often my clients find themselves struggling to make a decision. Should I do this, or that, or nothing? I'm waiting for a sign so I know what to do. A butterfly flew by so it must be a sign!

They want me to tell them, or affirm, that the sign meant that they should or shouldn't do something. Effectually, they want a guarantee that they are making the right decision.

Sooo...... the truth (as I see it) is that there is nothing outside of you that can, or should, tell you what is right for you. The only real sign is that which is in your heart, your gut, your inner knowing. If you see a butterfly, and it means something to you, then it is YOUR own interpretation of what that sign means. That interpretation will come from your own inner truth- not from something outside of you.

Here's the catch! Here's what keeps people stuck... Your heart, your inner Truth, your Personal Compass always knows what's right for you. But... your logic (which comes from the ego-mind) often has different ideas of what it thinks is right for you.

Your ego-mind's job is only to keep you safe - it is NOT to make you happy or successful.

Your ego-mind's job is to help you get what you need *in this moment in time* to stay safe. It does NOT - IS NOT DESIGNED - to see ahead or outside of this now moment in time. It does NOT have the capacity or capability to know WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE for you. In fact.... your ego-mind is very afraid of the idea of what else is possible for you because that means that things could change and that would not be safe!

If you find yourself going around and around and around and around and around with yourself trying to make a decision, then you are in your ego-mind. That's the trap. You cannot get out of that trap until you decide to allow yourself to drop into your heart, your inner knowing, your truth, to connect with who you truly are and truly what else is possible for you. You have a built-in Personal Guidance System that always knows who you are, why you're here, and what your potential is, should you choose to follow it. ~lap 💖✨✨

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You cannot fly and hold on at the same time.


Is There Something More?