Is There Something More?
What is your "gift" to the world? What 'magic' do you bring?
What is your unique brilliance?
At some point, many people begin to have a sense that there's something more to life than the traditional script; be good, study hard, get a good job, find a partner, get the car/house, raise the kids, live happily ever after... Most of us have done our best to follow that script and have had some degree of successes that we're proud of and wouldn't change for the world. Yet, for some, there's still something more. Something that seems to be calling you forward into.... what? What else could there be? Am I supposed to change my job, move, find another partner, buy a bigger house, a new wardrobe, start a business, get a hobby....? I know there's something more I'm supposed to be doing, but I just can't seem to figure out what that is and what steps to take next!
What if that 'something more' isn't something you're supposed to do, but something you're supposed to be... a place within you that's calling you to reconnect with the treasure that you are. A place within you that feels more like home than any place you've ever been. A part of You that longs to be remembered, unbound, experienced and expressed!
What if the biggest, most powerful and important role you have in this lifetime is not who you are, your achievements, your job, where you live, or what you have... What if the whole purpose of this life-experience is to wholly and unfetteredly connect and align with that magnificent brilliance that Is You and without thought or fear, let go of all resistance to allow your pure divine nature to fully express through you unimpeded?!?
What if, that is the true purpose of your life? To BE All - the Full Expression - of the unique gift that You Already Are! There is no place, person, or thing outside of you that could ever bring the fulfilling, vibrant, satiating experience that you have when you are sharing - literally BEing your divine nature.
And, what if connecting with, listening, and trusting this part of yourself is your Map that leads you to all of the peace, joy, and abundant life that not only is exactly true and right for you, but opens to possibilities that await you beyond your current dreams? This is the opposite of egotistical, it is humbling when you recognize that every single one of us carries this spark of unique brilliance within us which is literally intended to be your Gift to the world. You begin to not take yourself so seriously, you laugh and smile at the wonder of life, you allow life to show you the next steps, and you learn that to truly love yourself is to love, not what you have done or what you have, but to cherish and love the brilliant nature that truly Is You and Your Greatest Gift To The World. ~LAP 💖✨✨
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